Success Stories
Youth & Family Services, Inc. (YFS) is proud to celebrate the remarkable transformations and achievements of individuals who have benefited from their programs. Through dedicated support, resources, and guidance, YFS has helped numerous families and young people overcome challenges, build resilience, and create brighter futures. These inspiring success stories serve as a testament to the power of collaboration, compassion, and determination in fostering positive change within communities.

Transitional Living Program
Foster Care Testimonies & Success Story
We went through the foster care licensing process with YFS in 2018 and took our first placement in December of that year. The little girl had some significant medical needs that required a lot of doctor’s appointments, some of which were hours long. Our worker helped us with transportation, sitting with her at some appointments, and staying with her for stretches while she was admitted to the hospital and we could not be there for her. We were also very grateful for the YFS on-call line on Christmas Eve when we couldn’t get anyone at DHS to pick up the phone and help us navigate a medical situation.
YFS was an invaluable asset to us at the beginning of our fostering journey. Without their help and expertise, we would not have continued to foster after that first placement.
Not every case has been as involved or stressful as our first was, but over our years of fostering, YFS has been there for us in so many ways. If you’re looking to become a foster family, the YFS foster care team is who you want to have by your side.
The Brown family was certified though YFS and took placement of a sibling set of 4, two sets of twins under 4 years old. YFS helped them navigate doctor’s visits, court hearings, and visits with the biological family. When another older sibling was discovered and brought into custody, and a new baby was also born into the case, YFS helped the Browns’ adult daughter and her spouse get their home approved to take placement of those children.
As the case progressed, termination of the biological parents’ rights occurred, and both homes are adopting the children in their care. Before coming into DHS custody, none of these siblings were living in the same homes, but now they will be able to be raised together as a family.
YFS Client Success Story

Jack came to our Residential Caring Center after being removed from his biological family due to safety concerns. He began working with YFS counselors, who are on-site and able to help meet the behavioral health needs of our clients. They worked with him to stabilize his behavior and regulate his emotional responses so that he could move to a traditional foster home. We were able to connect Jack with one of our YFS foster families – the Smiths.
Our foster care team was able to assess their compatibility with Jack and his needs and determine that he would be a good fit for the Smith’s home. After building trust and expectations over his time in the shelter, we were able to slowly transition Jack into their home just in time for Christmas.
Our Caring Center staff were able to work with Jack and the Smiths to make his transition into their home go smoothly. The Smiths facilitated visits with Jack’s biological family in their home to help support his relationship with his family. YFS worked with Jack’s family to help them find appropriate housing so that reunification would be possible. Now, Jack is back with his biological family, where he belongs, and they have the continued support of both YFS and the Smith’s.